De: Liz <[email protected]>
Fecha: Martes, 19 de febrero de 2008 a las 2:28 AM
Para: Thomas Ville <[email protected]>

Hi Thomas,

I have already your pictures. I’ll write you when the review be almost ready. I’ll send you it to be sure if everything is fine.

Sorry not having written before. I was occupied with a presentation of the magazine for the Book Fair in Havana.

My best wishes for you,

*  *  *

De: Thomas Ville <[email protected]>
Fecha: Jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008 a las 9:30 AM
Para: Liz <[email protected]>

Hello Liz!!!

- Anuncio -Maestría Anfibia

I am impatient to see the project!!! I am occupied too! I learnt that Fidel Castro leave the politic! How did you fell about? I am curious!

Did the presentation of the magazine for the Book Fair in Havana was fine?

Best wishes,

*  *  *

De: Liz <[email protected]>
Fecha: Viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008 a las 3:56 PM
Para: Thomas Ville <[email protected]>

Hi Thomas,

The presentation was fine. I did something different –with an artistic multimedia presentation–, not the usual boring bla bla bla… I try to communicate the general concept of the review. I am going to put this work in the blog of Desliz review in a few days.

Yes, Fidel “leaves” the Cuban politic but the Cuban politic doesn’t change. We are in the same place, just with different man in the head of the government, the same government. So, the most important thing in my point of view is that the civil society grow up. I think I’m working in this.

About the project I’ll send you in the next month the matris of the April review.

Best wishes too,

*  *  *

De: Thomas Ville <[email protected]>
Fecha: Lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008 a las 11:00 AM
Para: Liz <[email protected]>

Hi Liz!!

How are you? I tell you about the matris of the project, I just like to know where you are in the project!! I am impatient! : )

Greetings from Paris!


*  *  *

De: Liz <[email protected]>
Fecha: Lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008 a las 3:49 PM
Para: Thomas Ville <[email protected]>

Hi Thomas,

I’m working now in the review, in the design and format.

I write you when is ready.

My best wishes too from Havana,

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